
What very few people admits openly when visiting a webpage is 'I don't trust them.' This is a natural and healthy reaction to any new page, since I have no idea who, and with what intentions stands behind it. During the first encounter the visceral level of the human judgmental system has only one question: ‘Solution or rip-off?’ Those website that fail to provide a reassuring answer fail at this very first stage. Not much point in fiddling with colours and text after that.

... continue of the Marketability – The correlation between the design and the achievable business position in the digital commodity market Going from free to a product for purchase is a big leap. None of the below price ranges have such a big difference between them. To reach this perceptual stage on the users’ side, the core workflow of the product has to be already fully functional and optimized for the target group's pre-concept of a working solution.

... continue of The correlation between product design and the achievable business position in the digital commodity market

Under Marketability

There are two distinguishable level under below the first milestone, the marketability. These products are not recognised by the visitors because there is no or too little overlap with their model. The main reasons for that is usually neglecting the industry standards and traditional associations or heuristics users come with.

The following diagram was made when I was consulting a baffled start-up about the general refurbishment of their product. Quite soon I got to the point where I needed to present the fact that their extended demoing and sales efforts wouldn’t produce any results due to the poor condition of the product. The problem was that the company hadn’t considered the quality of the interface (product design) as a reason behind the low sales and high churn rate. For a human-computer interaction designer, this was a shocking revelation, since the interface is that very touchpoint where visitors meets the features needs to be sold.  I pulled together all of my interface design and digital strategy experience and created a ‘staircase’ diagram to mirror back the visitors’ value-judgment systems and present the process of how a product get positioned in their heads and eventually on the market.