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... continue of the Marketability – The correlation between the design and the achievable business position in the digital commodity market Going from free to a product for purchase is a big leap. None of the below price ranges have such a big difference between them. To reach this perceptual stage on the users’ side, the core workflow of the product has to be already fully functional and optimized for the target group's pre-concept of a working solution.

The immediate answer is: very little. In fact, only one of the items on the following list would do it. Yet, I’ve seen websites that used all of these tricks on one page (that was some Frankenstein-like case study for me). Mind you, in certain industries, especially when the product is not particularly good or hardly even a product (have you ever ordered a sun collector tumble dryer and received a rope?) and the business goal is selling for the sake of sales, some of the below tricks can work quite well. However, in a premium category, using any of these items is business suicide. The reason is, that the visceral level judgment system of the visitors has only one question: ‘Solution or rip-off?